Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Saiful was not sodomised...

The medical report leaked to public through blogger appears to confirm that the allegations against Anwar Ibrahim are without merit and politically motivated. Previously, medical report conducted had affirmed that there is no indication of Saiful being sodomised.However, by the some allegations made stated that the police spent three days detention of the doctor of Hospital Pusrawi. But, currently, Deputy Inspector General of Police make a denial of detention that just more on to record a statement. We demand of every assurance must be given for his safety. Might it be other conspiracy against the doctor next?Like all Malaysians we will be observing developments in this case with cautious optimism - hopefully the nation can put this ugly chapter in its history in the past and move forwa...

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Siri 1Siri 2Siri 3Siri 4Siri 5Siri 6Siri 7Siri 8Pada malam 15 Julai 2008, saya bersama-sama rakan mahasiswa bersengkang mata untuk melihat tayangan debat minyak menerusi skrin besar yang ditayangkan di kafe Ali, UIAM hasil usaha Kelab Pemikir Muda (IYC).Sebelum ini Anwar mencabar untuk berhadapan dengan Pak Lah dan Najib, daripada Ahli Parlimen Kemaman tersebut. Debat yang dibahagikan kepada beberapa segmen itu turut menampilkan wakil masing-masing iaitu Nordin Kadri untuk Shabery dan Zulkifli Sulong untuk Anwar. Biar pun masa yang diambil untuk kedua-dua pendebat agak pendek dan terlalu cepat namun jelas dapat dilihat kewibaan terletak kepada...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Anwar tidak perlu bersumpah : Mufti Perak

Sahibu Samahah Dato Seri Dr Harussani Zakaria (Mufti Perak)Beberapa ulama terkemuka di Malaysia seperti Mufti Perak, Dato’ Seri Dr Harussani Zakaria, bekas Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, Dato’ Hashim Yahaya dan beberapa yang lain telah menegaskan bahawa Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak perlu bersumpah.Dato’ Seri Dr Harussani dalam membuat penegasan itu berkata, Anwar yang dihadapkan pertuduhan melakukan liwat, tidak perlu bersumpah atau bermubahalah kerana ianya tidak menepati dasar undang-undang Islam.Ini kerana tuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas beliau oleh bekas pembantu peribadinya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan adalah dakwaan jenayah yang termasuk dalam...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

BN keep sodomizing Judiciary, Police & AG

Recent news highlighted sodomy allegation against Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim after complainant Saiful Bukhari Azlan had lodged a police report on that matter. The highlighted issue was seen as an attempt to switch the people’s concern on Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case and Dato’ VK Lingam issue – cases that had shown how BN sodomizing judiciary, police and AG. Firstly, referring to the Altantuya case, Raja Petra Kamaruddin had made a statutory declaration stating the involvement of Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor (wife of Dato’ Seri Najib-current DPM) in the murder conspiracy. The case also had brought a question of how can private bodyguard...

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