Sunday, July 8, 2012

ABIM: Jadikan Hudud Agenda Bersama


ANGKATAN Belia Islam Malaysia (Abim) merujuk kepada kenyataan Ahli Dewan Undangan negeri Kemelah dari Barisan Nasional, Datuk Ayub Rahmat yang mencadangkan agar Kerajaan Negeri Johor melaksanakan undang-undang hudud ke atas orang Islam di negeri berkenaan.

Abim amat mengalu-alukan kenyataan tersebut dan berpandangan bahawa ia sebagai satu petanda baik dalam arena politik semasa.

Kenyataan sedemikian secara tidak langsung telah membuka mata seluruh rakyat bahawa agenda untuk melaksanakan hukum Hudud ini bukan agenda yang dimiliki oleh sesuatu golongan sahaja tetapi ia merupakan kewajipan yang digalas oleh seluruh umat Islam.

Dalam pada itu, Abim juga menegaskan bahawa cadangan seperti ini harus disambut baik oleh seluruh pemimpin Islam supaya ia tidak hanya sekadar menjadi polemik dan alat gimik politik untuk keuntungan politik pihak tertentu semata-mata.

Pelaksanaan hukum hudud ini melibatkan sistem perundangan negara yang turut menyentuh beberapa perkara dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan ia memerlukan dokongan kuat dari institusi Parlimen. Justeru, ia memerlukan kehendak politik secara kolektif dan semestinya ia tidak akan berlaku hanya menerusi kenyataan seseorang individu.

Lantaran itu, Abim menyeru seluruh umat Islam tanpa mengira fahaman politik untuk sama-sama tampil mengetengahkan agenda penerangan dan pendidikan berkenaan hukum hudud ini bersama-sama agar ia benar-benar difahami oleh masyarakat.

Abim yakin melalui pelaksanaan program pendidikan dan penerangan secara sistematik dan jelas berkenaan pelaksanaan hukum hudud, masyarakat akan menerima pandangan lebih jelas tentang aspek keadilan dan hak asasi manusia yang turut ditekankan dalam pelaksanaan hudud.

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, menerusi agenda ini Abim yakin kesepakatan sesama umat Islam yang telah dipisahkan dengan pelbagai ideologi politik akan tercapai.

Muhamad Faisal Abdul Aziz, Penolong Setiausaha Agung Abim

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fifteenth Night of Sha`ban

The Fifteenth Night of Sha`ban, known in Arabic as Laylat al-Nisf min Sha`ban, literally “the eve of the middle day of Sha`ban,” is one of the greatest nights of the year. (In Islam the night precedes the day so really it is the night before the fifteenth day of Sha`ban.) `Ata’ bin Yasar said that after Laylat al-Qadr there is no night better than the Fifteenth Night of Sha`ban. Its greatness is due to the Divine gifts that are bestowed during it.

One night Sayyidah `A’ishah noticed that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) had left her house. She went out to see where he was and found him in the Baqi` Graveyard raising his arms to the heavens in supplication. He said to her that on that night, the fifteenth night of Sha`ban, Allah forgives more people than there are hairs on the sheep of the tribe Kalb.1 He also said (may Allah bless him and grant him peace): “Allah gazes at His creation on the fifteenth night of Sha`ban and then forgives all His slaves except for two types of people: those who attribute partners to Allah and those who have rancour for their fellow Muslims.”2 The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that when this night comes we should spend it in prayer and fast the following day, because truly Allah calls out to His slaves from sunset until dawn: “Is there anyone seeking forgiveness from Me so that I may forgive him? Is there anyone seeking provision from Me so I may provide for him? Is there anyone suffering so I may relieve his suffering?”3

Imam `Ali went out on the fifteenth night of Sha`ban and gazed at the Heavens. He said that the Prophet Daud (peace be upon him) went out at a similar time on this same night and said that if anyone calls upon Allah at this time, Allah answers him and if anyone seeks His forgiveness He forgives him. For this reason, he would spend the night in worship. It has been narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “There are five nights on which du`a’ is not rejected: the first night of Rajab, the fifteenth night of Sha`ban, Thursday night, the night before `Eid al-Fitr and the night before `Eid al-Nahr (al-Adha).”4

`Ikrimah and other commentators of the Qur’an were of the opinion that the “blessed night” referred to in Surah al-Dukhan is the fifteenth night of Sha`ban.5 Allah says of it: in it every decreed affair becomes distinct.6 According to this opinion it is the night in which what Allah has decreed for His slaves for the ensuing year becomes manifest. Their provision is allotted and those who are destined to die are named. `Ata’ bin Yasar said that on this night the Angel of Death receives a scroll on which are the names of all those who are destined to die in the coming year. “A man may plant crops, get married and build buildings while his name has already been recorded amongst the dead. The Angel of Death is only waiting for the order to take his soul.” Thus many of the pious would ask Allah on this night to be recorded amongst the felicitous just as they would ask for plentiful provision.

Sayyiduna `Umar bin `Abd al-`Aziz said: “Do not neglect four nights in the year, because in those nights Allah pours His Mercy on His slaves: the first night of Rajab, the fifteenth night of Sha`ban, the night before Eid al-Fitr and the night before Eid al-Adha.” It was thus the habit of some of the early Muslims to “bring life” to the fifteenth night of Sha`ban. They encouraged people to come together in the mosque on that night to pray, supplicate and seek forgiveness.

A number of the hadith that talks about the immense gifts that Allah bestows on this night mention several categories of people that are excluded from receiving these gifts. Among those mentioned are those who attribute partners to Allah and those who have rancour in their hearts for their fellow Muslims. Some of the scholars mentioned specifically those who insult the Companions or the early generations of the Muslims or declare their fellow Muslims to be disbelievers or innovators. Other categories mentioned are those who fornicate, cut the ties of kinship or disrespect their parents.

These categories of people are also denied forgiveness and acceptance on other great nights such as the first night of Ramadan and Laylat al-Qadr. We should thus do our utmost to avoid these attributes. One of the early scholars said: “The best attributes are to have a sound heart, a generous soul and sincerely want good for the Ummah. Through these qualities the great ones reached the stations that they reached, not through a great amount of prayer and fasting.”

May Allah not deprive us of any of the gifts that are bestowed on this great night. May He give us the ability to seek His pleasure by praying to Him and seeking His forgiveness in this night and we ask that He decrees for us all that is good and deflects from us all that is harmful. May He send never-ending peace and blessings upon our Guide and Master Muhammad, through whom we came to know the superiority of one time over another and in whose guidance is all good in this life and the next.

1 Narrated by Ahmad, al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah. Banu Kalb was an Arab tribe renowned for the great flocks of sheep that its members possessed.

2 Narrated by Ahmad

3 Narrated by Ibn Majah

4 Narrated by al-Suyuti

5 The majority of commentators, however, say that the night referred to is Laylat al-Qadr

6 Al-Dukhan 44.4

ABIM Lancar Sinar Ramadhan 1433H

Sinar Harian

KUALA LUMPUR - Sempena bulan Ramadan, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (Abim) tahun ini melancarkan pelbagai program 'Sinar Ramadhan 1433H' yang bertujuan membantu golongan memerlukan di seluruh negara.

Setiausaha Agung Abim Mohamad Raimi Abdul Rahim berkata antara program yang diadakan ialah Kempen Seorang Sekampit Beras (KSSB), Kem Rakan Muda Masjid (RAPID), Program Khatam al-Quran, Ziarah Hospital dan 'Iftar for the Needy'.

"Program ini telah kita jalankan setiap tahun di beberapa negeri serta daerah, cuma pada tahun ini kita memperluaskan lagi ke seluruh Malaysia agar dapat membantu lebih ramai golongan memerlukan terutamanya mereka yang miskin, ibu tunggal serta saudara baru," katanya kepada Bernama di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata pada tahun lepas sempena program bulan Ramadan ia meliputi 1,200 penerima di Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor, serta lebih 4,300 penerima di seluruh negara.

"Kita harap pada program kali ini ia akan melibatkan lebih ramai penyumbang sekaligus dapat membantu lebih ramai penerima yang memerlukan," katanya.

Menyentuh mengenai program KSSB, Mohamad Raimi berkata ia dijalankan sejak tahun 2006 bagi membantu golongan fakir miskin serta saudara baru memperoleh makanan asasi.

Selain itu, program Rapid dilaksanakan di cawangan Abim seluruh negara dengan menyasarkan penglibatan golongan belia melalui aktiviti pengukuhan asas Fardhu Ain, Smart Solat, tazkirah dan tadarus al-Quran.

Beliau berkata program yang bertemakan 'Taqwa Dihayati, Ramadhan Dimaknai' itu turut mendapat kerjasama Global Peace Mission (GPM) untuk membantu komuniti Muslim di 15 negara termasuk masyarakat minoriti Islam Rohingya (Myanmar), Selatan Filipina dan Thailand, Kemboja serta Afghanistan.

"Melalui program 'Iftar for the Needy' Abim dan GPM turut bekerjasama membantu rakyat Syria yang menjadi mangsa konflik di negara itu dengan menyampaikan bantuan bekalan makanan.

"Mereka yang berminat boleh menyalurkan sumbangan ke akaun Abim bernombor 14023010011177 di Bank Islam atau menghubungi Sekretariat Abim pusat di talian 03-41084500," katanya. - Bernama

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